Christ in the Passover

Posted on Tue Apr 2018

Here is a short synopsis of the Jewish Passover “Seder” table layout, with its spiritual meaning as relating to Christ:

  • 2 candles (Creator, Redeemer): refers to Jesus, through Whom God created and Redeemed the world (Joh 1:1-3). Candles are lit by the woman of the house, indicating that the “Light of the world” would come through the seed of the woman (Mary);
  • Wash bowl (washing/sanctification): we are cleansed and sanctified by Christ (1 Cor 6:11 “…But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.”);
  • Shank bone (passover lamb): Jesus, God’s Passover Lamb;
  • Sweet apple salad (bricks & mortar): the sweet deliverance after suffering under sin;
  • 3-pocket bag (Echad – Abraham, Isaac & Jacob): Trinity with Christ in the middle pocket – Matzah broken in half (Jesus is Divine and human). The half taken out, wrapped in linen and hidden, speaks of Christ’s burial (linen-wrapped and placed in a dark tomb);
  • 3rd Cup of the four (Cup of Redemption/Blessing): The same cup that Jesus used in the Passover meal to inaugurate Holy Communion., saying to His disciples that that cup is His blood of the new Covenant (redemption through the Blood of Jesus). The stripes/lines on the Matzah reminds us of Isa 53:5 “…by His stripes we are healed”;

“Seder” means “order”. God sent Jesus to the earth to restore Divine order after satan brought chaos on the world.
